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发布时间:2023-10-16 来源:/ 浏览量:

The complete set manufacturing of high-voltage switches is an important component of the transmission and transformation equipment manufacturing industry, occupying a very important position in the entire power industry. Generally speaking, there are mainly two types: fixed type and handcart type, which can be divided into open type, semi closed type, and closed type structurally; In terms of usage environment, it can be divided into indoor and outdoor; In terms of operating methods, there are electromagnetic operating mechanisms, spring operating mechanisms, and manual operating mechanisms.
The selection should be based on the user's indoor or outdoor environment, and the use of fixed or handcart switchgear should be determined based on the number of switchgear and reliability requirements. Fixed switchgear is cheaper in price, but its flexibility is not as good as handcart style. For substations with low reliability requirements and a small number of switch cabinets, fixed switch cabinets should be selected as much as possible to reduce investment. The primary scheme of the switchgear should be determined based on the high wiring design. The primary scheme of the switchgear can be found in relevant electrical manuals. Choose or design secondary wiring based on the requirements of control, measurement, protection, signal, etc. After selecting the switchgear, the main components in the cabinet should be verified according to the usage conditions (altitude, environmental temperature, relative temperature, sunlight, wind speed, daily temperature difference, etc.) and short-circuit conditions. When selecting the operating mechanism, it should be determined based on the operating power supply of the substation.
A general set of high-voltage switchgear includes an incoming cabinet, PT cabinet, feeder cabinet, metering cabinet, contact cabinet, and used transformer cabinet. The high-voltage incoming cabinet is the main cabinet of a section of busbar, also known as the receiving cabinet, which is the connection point for this section of busbar to receive the superior power supply system and the input terminal for the power supply of this section of busbar; The PT cabinet is a voltage detection functional unit for this section of busbar, providing voltage detection signals for this section of busbar; The feeder cabinet is a bus that serves as the output port of the next level distribution system. It can be the next level bus, the load motor, or the power conversion equipment transformer. Therefore, the feeder cabinet is also known as the outgoing cabinet; The metering cabinet is a functional unit that provides electrical energy measurement and billing for this section of busbar; The contact cabinet is a functional unit where two busbars are interconnected; The transformer cabinet used provides a small capacity step-down power distribution function for the system.
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