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发布时间:2021-08-17 来源:/ 浏览量:

The effect of heat dissipation in the machine room is closely related to the selection and placement of cabinets
有关机柜很容易被忽略。目前液冷(或称水冷)机柜是讨论多的话题,更准确的描述是采 用液冷门的机柜。高密度服务器部署是数据中心建设发展的必然,由此而引发的散热问题,理应引起高度的重视。小小一个机柜,蕴含着巨大的玄机。新一代数据中心是当今的热点,无论是资源整合、虚拟化;还是绿色、自动化以及管理,都是业界津津乐道的话题。
Relevant cabinets are easily ignored. At present, liquid cooling (or water cooling) cabinet is the most discussed topic, and a more accurate description is the cabinet with liquid cooling door. The deployment of high-density servers is inevitable for the construction and development of data centers. The resulting heat dissipation problem should be paid great attention. A small cabinet contains a huge mystery. The new generation data center is a hot spot today, whether it is resource integration or virtualization; Green energy conservation, automation and safety management are all topics that the industry likes to talk about.
For poor data centers, the power allocation is only 6.8a, and for blade servers. A fully equipped blade server requires about 10a of power.
According to the existing capacity of the data center, the 10A power configuration obviously can not meet the deployment needs of more blade servers, and the contradiction of power shortage is very prominent. How to solve the problem of insufficient power supply, the easiest thing to think of is to start with capacity expansion. In fact, at the beginning of the construction of the data center or building, there is a certain calculation of the power capacity. Nowadays, increasing the power capacity requires the power sector to expand the capacity, and involves the transformation of corresponding lines, switches and other equipment, which involves many factors and restricted factors.
Another solution to the power shortage is to reasonably adjust the existing power consumption. By using a set of solution tools called "adaptive data high availability management", we monitor the data centers of some existing enterprises. It is found that about 10% of the power consumption is used for lighting, while only about 30% is used for it equipment, The remaining large amount of power is consumed in refrigeration, that is, the cost of operation and management has greatly exceeded the actual use cost of the equipment.
Through reasonable layout and scientific thermal model design, the power consumption of operation and maintenance equipment can be greatly reduced and the contradiction of power shortage can be effectively alleviated. Starting from the cabinet, the high cost of air conditioning refrigeration is related to the design of rack / cabinet and heat dissipation model.
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