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发布时间:2023-01-31 来源:/ 浏览量:

Personal protective equipment must be used when using electrical equipment or working around the power supply. For example, wear insulating gloves, protective or insulating aprons and shoes. In addition, how to use the parts of the complete electrical equipment safely?
The electronic components in the distribution cabinet shall be arranged as far away from the main circuit, switching power supply and transformer as possible, and shall not be placed directly or close to the convection direction of other heating components in the cabinet.
The arrangement of the master control electrical components and the setting electrical components shall avoid the possibility of misoperation or action value change due to accidental touch of its handle and button. Generally, the setting device shall be locked with double nuts and sealed with red paint after setting to avoid movement.
The fuses of the system or circuits with different working voltages shall be arranged separately.
Fuses and parts that are easily damaged in use and occasionally need to be adjusted and reset shall be accessible without disassembling other parts for easy replacement and adjustment.
The installation position and distance between fuses shall facilitate the replacement of the melt.
Fuses of different voltage levels shall be arranged separately and cannot be staggered and mixed.
For fuse with fuse indicator, the indicator shall be installed on the side convenient for observation.
When the porcelain fuse is installed on the metal base plate, its base shall be padded with soft insulation gasket.
When low-voltage circuit breaker and fuse are used together, the fuse shall be installed on the power supply side.
Strong and weak current terminals shall be arranged separately; In case of difficulties, clear signs shall be provided and empty terminals shall be set for separation or partition with strengthened insulation shall be set.
In addition, the corresponding terminals shall have serial numbers, and the terminal strip shall be convenient for replacement and wiring; The height from the ground should be greater than 350 mm. Come to our website for more relevant content Ask!
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