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发布时间:2021-04-28 来源:/ 浏览量:

In order to prevent the damage or accident of high-voltage electrical equipment in operation and ensure the personal safety of operation and maintenance personnel and equipment operation safety, it is necessary to check and identify the health status of equipment through insulation handover test and preventive test. We can understand the insulation level of equipment through high voltage test and eliminate the blind spots of equipment defects. If the insulation defect is found in the test, it indicates that we must repair the equipment, and replace the power equipment when necessary, so as to prevent the insulation breakdown of the equipment in operation, so as to avoid major irreversible losses such as power failure.
Generally speaking, high voltage electrical test is mainly divided into preventive test and handover test. According to the equipment classification, it mainly includes: transformer test, voltage transformer test, current transformer test, arrester test, circuit breaker test, power cable test, high voltage bus test and multi high voltage motor test. For different equipment, test items and contents shall be carried out in strict accordance with strict regulations. The insulation withstand voltage test is the most basic and important electrical test.
Preventive test can be divided into two types: one is insulation characteristic test, which is a non-destructive test. By measuring various characteristic parameters such as insulation resistance, dielectric loss tangent value, leakage current and other parameters to determine whether there are defects in the equipment insulation, the test requires low voltage conditions, and will not damage the internal insulation of the equipment. This kind of insulation characteristic test is very effective, but it can't be used to judge the insulation resistance effectively, which is the defect of this test.
There is also a withstand voltage test, which is a destructive test. In the test, the voltage of the equipment is increased to make it exceed the working voltage of the equipment. At this time, it has a very big test on the insulation of the equipment. At the same time, it can find some dangerous defects and some concentrated defects, and ensure that the electrical strength of the insulation reaches a certain level, This will cause a certain degree of damage to the insulation. Voltage withstand test is divided into AC voltage withstand test and DC voltage withstand test. Each of the two tests has its own advantages, so it is necessary to select the appropriate test according to the actual situation and needs.
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