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发布时间:2021-02-25 来源:/ 浏览量:

I don't know how much you know about the circuit breaker control of electrical equipment. If you don't know, let's take a look with Xiaobian.
The control of circuit breaker in electrical equipment is to control its closing and opening.
According to the control location, there are local control and centralized control. In the vicinity of the circuit breaker, manually operate the manual operating mechanism of the circuit breaker or use the button control (through electromagnet or motor) to complete the closing and opening tasks, which is the local operation.
This way can save investment, cable and secondary equipment. Centralized control is carried out in the main control room, such as generator, main transformer, bus section and bus tie circuit breaker. In this control mode, the distance between the controlled circuit breaker and the main control room is generally tens of meters to hundreds of meters, so it is also called "remote control".
The control of circuit breaker is realized by auxiliary circuit. The control panel in the main control room shall be equipped with a control switch or button that can send the closing and opening commands, and the circuit breaker shall be equipped with an operating mechanism (i.e. closing and opening coils) that can execute the commands. The control switch and the operating mechanism are connected by a control cable. The electrical circuit that completes the closing and opening tasks of circuit breaker is called control circuit. According to the types of operation power supply, the control circuit can be divided into DC operation and AC operation; according to the adopted wiring and equipment, there are strong current control and weak current control.
The above is the complete set of electrical equipment to introduce the content of the complete set of equipment, if you have anything to add, please feel free to contact us.
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