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发布时间:2021-01-22 来源:/ 浏览量:

There are many kinds of bad contact of wires. I believe many people have also encountered it. The common one is that the wires and sockets are not well connected. This kind of situation will lead to tripping and power failure, or short circuit and fire. No matter what kind of situation, we should pay more attention to prevent and avoid it. So what kind of situation is there in bad contact of wires? Let's take a stock, Let's avoid stepping on thunder.
1. Poor contact between wire and socket
Among all the fire causes of poor contact, the fire caused by excessive short circuit resistance at the socket is the most common. If there is loose contact at the junction of the electrical circuit, the voltage between the contacts is enough to break through the air gap, form an arc, burst out sparks, ignite nearby combustibles, and form a fire. This situation will also lead to abnormal voltage, so sometimes there will be a reaction when using electrical appliances, but the electrical manufacturers can not use it normally, which may also be the reason for the poor contact of the socket.
2. Poor contact of wire connector
电线接头虽然用胶布之类的处理过,但可能会因为发热等问题导致胶布老化,如果在同- -位置多过一个接头存在也会更容易造成短路、 漏电等问题存在。
Although the wire connector has been treated with adhesive tape, the adhesive tape may be aged due to heating and other problems. If there is more than one connector at the same location, it will also easily cause short circuit, leakage and other problems.
3. Poor contact of electrical equipment
Due to the violation of wiring mode, weak connection, poor maintenance, or poor conductivity oxide film at the joint during long-term operation, or vibration and heat action of the joint, some electrical appliances loose and oxidize at the joint, resulting in excessive contact resistance.
Although_ The above three situations are common. But the results are basically the same
1、 The contact point of the conductor is heated violently, which increases the resistance of the contact point and aggravates the heating.
2、 The heating of the conductor will cause the plastic insulation material outside the conductor near the contact point to be heated, greatly reducing its insulation capacity and causing electric leakage.
三,如果电线的铜芯线剧烈发热而熔融。则电线会断裂。断裂时会产“生电弧,并进一步破坏绝绿 ,使得漏电加剧,引起电线对地短路。我们把它叫做单相接地故障。
3、 If the copper core of the wire is heated violently and melted. The wire will break. When it breaks, it will produce "generating arc" and further damage the insulation, which will aggravate the leakage and cause the wire short circuit to the ground. We call it a single phase to ground fault.
Through the above three points can be summarized as follows:
电线接触不良弓|起的后果就是接触点的剧烈发热,并伴随着漏电现象,严重时会出现电弧,有可能引起单相接地故障,甚发生三相短路。简单点说就是会发热,发热就可能会熔断。-断家用空开会跳闸,工业断路器不会跳闸,可能会烧坏保险。近年来有许多重大火灾都是因线路故障造成的,线路故障的一个原因是线路连接处接触不良,当线路连接处接触不良时,与连接完好相比该处的阻值将加大,在该处消耗的电功率将变大。既然知道电线接触不良的起因,那么要排除这些隐患也并不难了, 重要的是要确保电线完好无损,有损坏的线路一定要及时修补或更换 ,在接线时也要确保与接线处接劳接紧,线路中的电线接头也要用焊锡代替胶布,而且还需要家装接线盒,即使以后需要更换电线也方便操作。
The consequence of poor wire contact is that the contact point is heated violently, accompanied by electric leakage. When it is serious, electric arc will appear, which may cause single-phase grounding fault, or even three-phase short circuit. To put it simply, it will generate heat, which may fuse. -The breaker will trip when it is empty, and the industrial circuit breaker will not trip, which may burn out the fuse. In recent years, many major fires are caused by line faults. One of the causes of line faults is poor contact at the line connection. When the line connection is poor contact, the resistance value will increase compared with the good connection, and the electric power consumption will increase. Since we know the causes of poor contact of wires, it is not difficult to eliminate these potential safety hazards. First of all, it is important to ensure that the wires are intact. Damaged wires must be repaired or replaced in time. When wiring, it is also necessary to ensure that they are tightly connected with the wiring. The wire joints in the lines should also use solder instead of adhesive tape, and the junction boxes need to be installed at home, It is easy to operate even if the wires need to be replaced later.
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